Doc McStuffins Wiki

Hallie is a tomboyishly beautiful purple hippopotamus with a pair of pink teardrop (sideways) eyeglasses. She is Doc McStuffins' nurse in the toy clinic, Hallie likes and knows how to dance in Break Dancer, she was great at jump rope when she was younger as she seems to be a little tomboyish by the way she talks.


Hallie is an obese stuffed purple hippo with red glasses, a red and white striped apron with a yellow tag, a white shirt, and a red and white hat.


Despite her beauty, Hallie is a sassy purple hippopotamus with a Texas accent. She is Doc's nurse in the toy clinic. Hallie likes and knows how to dance in Break Dancer, and she was great at jump rope as she seems to be a little tomboyish by the way she talks. She often uses food-based images and comparisons.


  • "Well, call me a purple hippo!"
  • "It's hotter than a hippo dipped in hot sauce."
  • "That's true as pudding!"
  • "Chilly, what the sweet potato fries is going on with you?"
  • "I'm as dizzy as a merry-go-round manatee."
  • "Well don't you two look as tidy as tadpoles in tuxedos."
  • "Sugar, it's as clear as cake."
  • "I got hops in my feet."
  • "Don't worry, sugar! Doc's gonna take good care of you."
  • "Freeze it like you mean it, toys!"


Hallie and Dr. McStuffins nurse are voiced by the same actress



Hallie in her 1800's nurse's dress

Hallie in her old-timey Nurse dress

Hallie button

Hallie button that Florence wore as adult in Doc's book
